"If your goal is to
be a great Karate Instructor you will need to have three
key skills:
TEACHER - First you need to know the science of
teaching, knowing how to teach and connect to every
student’s personal way of learning.
TRAINER - Second, you must keep yourself updated
constantly on the safe and proper way to develop and
train a martial art athlete.
COACH - Third, you must be sensitive as to how to safely
motivate and coach a student to be more than they ever
thought they could possibly be.
In short a great karate Instructor needs to be a
Teacher, a Trainer and a Coach. There is one more, not
so much a skill as an attitude of appreciation, which
may often be over looked by a lot of instructors. When
you teach you personally find great joy every time you
have the opportunity to teach someone and in return “the
student” calls you their Karate Instructor. With all the
martial arts schools and instructors out there, they
chose you to be their instructor. That is such a great
honor each and every time that your students come
through your door.
I would like to say thank you to everyone now and in the
past forty years that has blessed me with the
opportunity of having the privilege of being your Karate
Ed Saenz |
Began Martial Arts training in the
Chuck Norris System
Received 1st Degree Black Belt in the Chuck Norris System
1979 and 1980
AAU Virginia State Champion (Middleweight Division)
1979 and 1980
Member of AAU U. S. National Team
Member of AAU U. S. World Team
1989 and 1990
Regional AAU Head Coach (Region 8)
Head Instructor for the Chuck Norris Karate Studios,
Norfolk, Virginia
Director of Instruction for Chuck Norris' Kick Drugs Out
of America Foundation (now KickStart Kids)
Became International Training Director for the Chuck Norris System/
United Fighting Arts Federation
Director of Operation for Kick Drugs Out Of America
Foundation (now KickStart Kids)
Received 7th Degree Black Belt in the Chuck Norris System
Became a member of the Universal Martial Arts Hall Of
Fame for Outstanding Martial Artist Of The Year
Became a member of the Action Magazine’s Hall OF Fame
for Outstanding Contribution in the Martial Arts as A
Received 8th Degree Black Belt in the Chuck Norris System
Became a member of the Board of Directors for the United
Fighting Arts Federation as the Director of Training and
Received the Instructor of the Year Award from the
United Fighting Arts Federation
Received 9th Degree Black Belt in the Chuck Norris System
Became the Executive Director of Operations for
Opened Ed Saenz School of Martial Arts
Receivend UFAF Krav Maga Force Black Belt